Our Team

Alhaji Abdul Fataa Adamu

Managing Director

Alhaji Abdul Fataa Adamu is the Managing Director of Cocoa Merchants Ghana Limited. Until his
appointment, he was the Managing Director of Royal Commodities Limited, one of the Licensed Cocoa Buying Companies (LBC) of the Global Group. Mr Adamu has also held a position as Director of Administration for Global Haulage and Transport Company Limited. He has previously held the position of Managing Director of 1st Level Company Limited from 1994 to 2009.

Mr Adamu acquired an extensive knowledge and experience in cocoa business while serving as a member of the Board of Directors of each of the Global Group of LBCs at various times. He is a businessman and an entrepreneur by profession. He holds a bachelor of science degree in Economics.


Finance Controller

Mr. Frank Gyabaah holds a Master of Arts (Economics Policy Management) Degree and BSc Administration
( Accounting Option). All from the University of Ghana. He is a member of Chartered Accountants (Ghana), Chartered Institute of Taxation (Ghana) and an affiliate member of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (UK).

He began his working career in 2004 as Senior Accounts Officer with Federated Commodities Limited in Accra and was promoted to the rank of Assistant Finance Manager in 2006. He moved to African Cahew Alliance as Office Administrator from 2009 to 2010. He moved back to Federated Commodities in August 2010 as the Financial Controller until December 2017 when he joined Cocoa Merchants Ghana as the Financial Controller.


Operations Manager

Mr George Offeh Duodu has over 15 years’ experience in cocoa industry. George started as a District Manager for Cocoa Merchants and rose through the ranks to become Head of Operations. Until his current position, George was the Regional Manager of the Company for Ashanti and Brong Ahafo
Regions. He has had extensive experience in cocoa purchases management, farmer education and good cocoa agronomic practices.

George holds a bachelor’s degree from University of Education.

Hajia Rukaiyatu Adamu

Audit Manager

Hajia Rukaiyatu Adamu holds Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree in computing from the Open University, UK and Honors Diploma in Information Technology DNIIT, NIIT She worked with Transroyal Ghana Limited as manager for Special Operations from 2003 before joining Cocoa Merchants in October 2017.


Administrative Manager

Mr. Frank Owusu Abora holds Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Economics and political Science from the University of Ghana, Legon. He started his working career as a Project Assistant with the Institute of Scientific, Social and Economic Research (ISSER). He also worked with the National Board for Small Scale Industries as a Project Officer and Cashpro Company Ltd as a District Manager. He joined Cocoa Merchants in September 2003 as a Sector Manager and was later reassigned to take charge of the Administration.