Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is CML

CML stands for Cocoa Merchants Ghana Limited

How can I get information on CML?

Please visit the website on www.cmlghana.com

Is Cocoa Merchants Ghana Limited a state institution?

No, it is a privately owned Ghanaian company, established in 1998.

What exactly does Cocoa Merchants do?

Cocoa Merchants is into cocoa purchasing and has presence in all the cocoa growing regions apart from the Volta Region.

Where can I locate Cocoa Merchants?

You can locate the Head Office at Airport Residential Area

Airport Residential Area
Second Close Volta Street


Tel: +233 302 769086 / 769139,


The Operations Office in Kumasi near Briginia Restaurant, Amakom

P. O. Box KS 10870, Kumasi

Tel: +233 3220 28678 / 47979

What sustainability activities does the company have?

CML has the following sustainability activities;

  1. Training of farmers on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
  2. Supply of inputs
  3. Community activities
    • Provision of basic amenities in cocoa growing areas
    • Advocacy and elimination of child labour
    • Gender issues-empowerment of women and the girl child
    • Promotion of good environmental practices
    • Alternative livelihood

How does CML finance their sustainability activities?

CML finances its sustainability through partnerships with off-takers, development agencies, civil society organizations, financial institutions etc.

Who qualifies to support CML sustainability programmes?

Anybody or institution who believes in sustainable cocoa production