

At Cocoa Merchants Ghana Limited (CML), we share in the idea that companies must meet the needs of their stakeholders both direct and indirect without compromising their ability to meet the needs of future stakeholders. We value the interest of all stakeholders in the cocoa industry especially the stakeholders in the communities in which we operate, which is why we put the cocoa famer and his/her community at the heart of our activities.


  1. Training of farmers on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
  2. Supply of inputs
  3. Community activities
    • Provision of basic amenities in cocoa growing areas
    • Advocacy and elimination of child labour
    • Promotion of good labour practices
    • Gender issues-empowerment of women and the girl child
    • Promotion of good environmental practices


The registered cocoa farmers of Cocoa Merchants are trained on farm management, farming practices, social and living conditions as well as the environment. As a UTZ certified company we ensure that our farmers strictly go by the UTZ code of conduct. By giving the farmers training of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), the ultimate result is good yield thereby enhancing their income.


As part of Cocoa Merchants Ghana Limited (CML) sustainability programme to safeguard the future of cocoa production, we provide farm inputs to cocoa farmers to enable them increase their yield and earn a better income. In this regard, CML supply its registered cocoa farmers with high yielding cocoa seedlings, chemicals, fertilizer, personal protective equipment (PPE), spraying machines and pruning machines to help them in their farming activities.


The company in its efforts at addressing the social and community needs of cocoa farmers undertook a lot of community activities in collaboration with its partners. These activities among others include; Child Labour Monitoring and Remediation System programme, construction of school canteen at Konsimwa Basic School and nursery projects.